[Mission 2023] SECURE SYNOPSIS: 07 October 2022 - INSIGHTSIAS

2022-10-10 10:43:53 By : Ms. Linda Yin

NOTE: Please remember that following ‘answers’ are NOT ‘model answers’. They are NOT synopsis too if we go by definition of the term. What we are providing is content that both meets demand of the question and at the same time gives you extra points in the form of background information.

Topic: population and associated issues

1. The demographic dividend has transformational potential but inconsistent and incoherent policies aimed at realising it may result in a lost opportunity. Analyse.  (250 words)

Reference: Indian Express , Insights on India

Too often, India’s demographic dividend conversations have focused much on the dependency ratio and not enough on the policies and other factors involved.

Key Demand of the question:

To write about demographic dividend, impediments to achieving and ways to overcome it.

Analyse – When asked to analyse, you must examine methodically the structure or nature of the topic by separating it into component parts and present them in a summary.

Begin by defining demographic dividend and its various features.

First, write about the various impediments to achieving the dividend – demographic dividend may turn into a liability in the absence of enough jobs and the required skilled workforce etc.

Next, suggest ways to overcome the limitations.

Conclude with a way forward.

Demographic dividend, as defined by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) means, “the economic growth potential that can result from shifts in a population’s age structure, mainly when the share of the working-age population (15 to 64) is larger than the non-working-age share of the population (14 and younger, and 65 and older).” India has one of the youngest populations in an aging world. By 2020, the median age in India was 28 years. Demographics can change the pace and pattern of economic growth.

Issues hindering demographic dividend leverage

Leveraging demographic dividend as an opportunity

India is on the right side of demographic transition that provides golden opportunity for its rapid socio-economic development, if policymakers align the developmental policies with this demographic shift.

To reap the demographic dividend, proper investment in human capital is needed by focussing on education, skill development and healthcare facilities.

Topic: Issues relating to poverty and hunger.

2. The National Food Security Act (NFSA) with the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana (PMGKAY) add-on during the pandemic is a star achievement of our 75 years of independence. Elaborate. (250 words)

Reference: Live Mint , Insights on India

At a time when central banks all over the world are into a round robin of interest rates hikes, in a context of impending recession in several major world economies, an unending war, and uncertainty about energy availability and pricing going into the northern hemisphere winter, the only cheering news was India’s further extension for three months upto the end of December 2022 of free food under the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana (PMGKAY).

Key Demand of the question:

To write about the achievements of NFSA and the PMGKAY.

Elaborate – Give a detailed account as to how and why it occurred, or what is the context. You must be defining key terms wherever appropriate and substantiate with relevant associated facts.

Begin by writing about the aims and the objectives of NFSA and PMGKAY.

First, in brief, write about the major features of NFSA and PMGKAY.

Next, write about the achievements of NFSA and PMGKAY since its inception. Cite statistics to substantiate. Highlight the role of PMGKAY in the pandemic times.

Next, write a few limitations of NFSA and PMGKAY and suggest ways to improve it.

Conclude with a way forward.

India has been celebrating the Azadi Amrit Mahotsav for some weeks, with listings of the several milestones that stand out over the last 75 years of Independent India. The biggest of them all was the Food Security Act, which encoded in law the right to defined amounts of subsidized food for 75% of the rural population and 50% of the urban population. The magnitude of this food guarantee in a country the size of India became possible only because it cohered with a long-standing price support incentive to farmers to grow our major foodgrain cereals, rice and wheat.

NFSA : National Food Security Act

Achievements of NFSA and PMGKAY

Limitations of NFSA and PMGKAY

Topic: Important aspects of governance, transparency and accountability, e-governance applications, models, successes, limitations, and potential; citizens charters, transparency & accountability and institutional and other measures.

3. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) though may have increased in terms spending but there remain many issues which restrict it from achieving its full potential. Suggest measures to ensure CSR funds are impactful across the country. (250 words)

Reference: The Hindu , Insights on India

Ever since the establishment of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) regime in India under Section 135 of the Companies Act 2013, CSR spending in India has risen from ₹10,065 crore in 2014-15 to ₹24,865 crore in 2020-21. But there is no data to verify whether this increase is commensurate with the increase in profits of Indian and foreign (having a registered arm in India) companies.

Key Demand of the question:

To wrote about the issues with CSR and steps needed to make it more effective.

Begin by defining CSR and its evolution in India.

First, write about the various aims and objectives behind CSR in India.

In the next part, write about the various issues in CSR – lack of community participation in CSR activities, need to build local capacities, issues of transparency and non-availability of clear CSR guidelines.

Next, write about the various measures that are needed to make CSR more effective.

Conclude with a way forward.

The term “Corporate Social Responsibility” in general can be referred to as a corporate initiative to assess and take responsibility for the company’s effects on the environment and impact on social welfare.

In India, the concept of CSR is governed by clause 135 of the Companies Act, 2013. India is the first country in the world to mandate CSR spending along with a framework to identify potential CSR activities.

Benefits of Corporate social responsibility to the firms

More CSR decision-makers are shifting their focus from compliance with CSR laws to the social impact they are making. CSR funders are following several themes to make this transition, such as hiring professionals, coming together in collaboratives, and defining and publishing their impact metrics to hold themselves accountable. The idea is to move beyond signing cheques to recognising that, ultimately, what’s good for Indian society is also good for business.

4. Examine the issues that undermine the implementation of objectives proposed in the union budget. (250 words)

The question is part of the static syllabus of General studies paper – 3 and mentioned as part of Mission-2023 Secure timetable.

Key Demand of the question:

To write about the weaknesses in the budgetary system and measures to overcome them.

Examine – When asked to ‘Examine’, we must investigate the topic (content words) in detail, inspect it, investigate it and establish the key facts and issues related to the topic in question. While doing so we should explain why these facts and issues are important and their implications.

Begin by defining budget and major objectives of budgeting.

First, elaborate up on how budget provide framework of achieving annual objectives.

Next, write about the weaknesses in the budgetary system and its implementation – budget estimates, Skewed expenditure pattern, Poor planning and lack of long-term perspective etc.

Next, suggest measures to overcome the above weaknesses in order to ensure that budgetary objectives are achieved.

Conclude by writing a way forward.

Finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman on February 1 presented a budget worth Rs 39.45 lakh crore with massive push to infrastructure spending.

Spending outlays on several other key sectors including health care, rural development and the vital jobs and income providing national rural employment guarantee scheme have all shrunk as a percentage of overall expenditure in the Budget estimates for fiscal 2023 from the revised estimates for the current year, even if in some cases only marginally.

Budget is the government’s blueprint on expenditure, taxes it plans to levy, and other transactions which affect the economy and lives of citizens.

According to Article 112 of the Indian Constitution, the Union Budget of a year is referred to as the Annual Financial Statement (AFS). The Budget Division of the Department of Economic Affairs in the Finance Ministry is the nodal body responsible for preparing the Budget.

Issues undermining the implementation of objectives in Union Budget

Budget 2022-23: Creating meaningful employment and growth

The success of the budget can be assessed post-facto once the schemes kick in and take off in a large-scale manner. It has been called as the AatmanirbharBharatKaBudget, which brings with it new energy and strength to our development trajectory, especially at a time when we are courageously fighting a once-in-a-lifetime global pandemic. This Budget is supposed to bring more infra, more investment, more growth and more jobs taking India to newer heights.

5. How might India avoid the twin deficit issue in the face of growing commodity prices and the weight of subsidy payments? (250 words)

The finance ministry on Monday cautioned the re-emergence of the twin deficit problem in the economy, with higher commodity prices and rising subsidy burden leading to an increase in both fiscal deficit and current account deficit. It’s also the first time the government has explicitly talked about the possibility of fiscal slippage in the current fiscal year.

Key Demand of the question:

To write about twin deficit, concerns associated with it and measures needed to avoid the problem.

Begin by defining twin deficit.

First, write about the concerns associated with it and how it impacts various macro-economic parameters.

Next, write about the ways in which it could be avoided – write about various Fiscal, Monetary and other policy measures that are needed to avoid the twin deficit problem.

Conclude with a way forward.

Current Account Deficit and Fiscal Deficit (also known as “budget deficit” is a situation when a nation’s expenditure exceeds its revenues) are together known as twin deficits and both often reinforce each other, i.e., a high fiscal deficit leads to higher CAD and vice versa.

The finance ministry in its ‘Monthly Economic Review’ cautioned the re-emergence of the twin deficit problem in the economy, with higher commodity prices and rising subsidy burden leading to an increase in both fiscal deficit and Current Account Deficit (CAD).

Avoiding the twin deficit issue

The finance ministry said the economy’s medium-term growth prospects remain bright as pent-up capacity expansion in the private sector is expected to drive capital formation and employment generation in the rest of this decade. Near-term challenges need to be managed carefully without sacrificing the hard-earned macroeconomic stability.

Topic: Science and Technology- developments and their applications and effects in everyday life.

6. The electronic industry is critically dependent on semiconductors and they are strategically important for India. Evaluate India’s strengths and weaknesses in achieving self-sufficiency in semiconductor production. (250 words)

Reference: Indian Express , Insights on India

India’s National Policy on Electronics (NPE) 2019 aims for the electronics industry to achieve a turnover of about Rs 33 lakh crore by 2025. But the industry is critically dependent on semiconductors, which are also used in high-demand consumer electronics like mobile phones, laptops, gaming consoles, refrigerators and microwaves. These use semiconductor components like integrated chips, diodes and transistors.

Key Demand of the question:

To write about importance of Semiconductors and its strategic significance. India’s strengths and weaknesses in this regard.

Evaluate – When you are asked to evaluate, you have to pass a sound judgement about the truth of the given statement in the question or the topic based on evidence.  You must appraise the worth of the statement in question. There is scope for forming an opinion here.

Begin by mentioning the aims and objectives of India Semiconductor Mission.

In the first part, mention the various applications of Semiconductors and reasons for their shortage.

Next, write about various steps taken in the recent past aimed at achieving self-sufficiency in semiconductors.

Next, write about the India’s strengths and weaknesses in this regard.

Conclude by way forward to overcome weakness.

Semiconductor chips are the basic building blocks that serve as the heart and brain of all modern electronics and information and communications technology products. These chips are now an integral part of contemporary automobiles, household gadgets and essential medical devices such as ECG machines.

Semiconductor shortage is turning into an acute issue. Due to it, the growth prospects of the auto industry are once again in jeopardy. This issue also offers immense opportunity for India to foray in to Integrated Circuits and Chip design.

Strengths of semiconductor industry of India

The program will usher in a new era in electronics manufacturing by providing a globally competitive incentive package to companies in semiconductors and display manufacturing as well as design. The program will promote higher domestic value addition in electronics manufacturing and will contribute significantly to achieving a USD 1 Trillion digital economy and a USD 5 Trillion GDP by 2025. This shall pave the way for India’s technological leadership in these areas of strategic importance and economic self-reliance.

Government initiatives in this regard

The Union Cabinet’s decision to set aside ₹76,000 crore for supporting the development of a ‘semiconductors and display manufacturing ecosystem’ is a belated but welcome acknowledgment of the strategic significance of integrated circuits, or chips, to a modern economy.

7. A software company has a goal set to positively impact majority of India people by the year 2025 using CSR funds. The software company uses their resources to contribute to disaster relief around the country, healthcare system efficiency, and education in disadvantaged communities which has yielded tangible results and positive response from the public. They were awarded for their excellent use of CSR funds.

But it was recently revealed by an investigative journalist report that they engage in crony capitalism and offering high kickbacks to government officials to get government tenders and projects. They even try to stifle competitors using nefarious trade practises.

The report also revealed that they have lot of off-shore black money and that means they are not spending the actual amount of CSR that should be spent.

(a) What are the ethical dilemmas in the above case?

(b) What action should be taken against the software company by the government? Why?

Start by giving the context. Bring out the key stakeholders in the above case study.

In the body, write about the ethical dilemmas present in the case.

Next, write about the action that should government must take to resolve the issues and the justify the course of action

Conclude by stressing on the importance of accountability.

Summarise by highlighting the importance contentment.

Creating wealth through high quality accountability to customers, shareholders, staff and suppliers is the highest form of social responsibility. Many companies fail in all these respects. Many shady businessmen run trusts galore to launder black money. Others create trusts to fund grants and scholarships to children of politicians and bureaucrats, bribes by another name.

Corporate social responsibility by default is viewed as a positive phenomenon in organization performance and consequently most investigations are focusing on this positive perspective. In the eyes of society socially responsible organizations are usually success stories of impeccable reputation, excellent performance, fostering the welfare of their employees, ensuring the clients’ rights and wealth, focusing on the impacts and outcomes for society, stakeholders and the firm itself; in other words they are an excellent example for all to emulate. However, the CSR domain is not always as brilliant as it may seem from the first glance, and even such organizations are incapable of obviating internal problems of destructive and controversial character.

Ethical dilemmas in the case

The whole concept of CSR needs rethinking. The donations approach, with spending targets for corporations, is simply the wrong way to go about it. Jailing crooks is a far better way of improving corporate responsibility than mandating a 2% CSR target.

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